Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A month ago my cousin was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
I suspected she had it from her behavior prior to being diagnosed.
Two weeks ago I found out that two of my cats have cancer.
And tomorrow is the wake of a young man I knew that despite having a wife and a wonderful little girl felt that he no longer could stay in this world.I think I can understand having been almost at that point so many years ago. But how sad that he felt that there was no other choice.Not even to try to go on for the child that adores him so much.
My cousin had fallen apart but because she confided in me, I was able to convince her to go on. At least for now. She gets discouraged but I am here for her. One step one day at a time.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I like to be anonymous very few people know who I really am. Sometimes I think I could be invisible.
I feel like this a pilot to a bad sitcom.

Blogger World Starting Mine

I've decide to join the blogger world. I don't know if anyone else will ever read it. This will be a blog about my life or whatever.
I don't feel like writing about who I am today I will eventually I guess. I suppose if anyone does start following this blog. They will be curious.
Today I wanted to write about feeling lucky. I have been very depressed for the last month, too much going on, but I had a nice Christmas. I'm not so much into gifts but I like spending time with the family I choose to be with, my kids,their girlfriends, my hubby, all the critters that we have. I got to do that,
had to visit mother-in-law but that wasn't too bad after so many years you just learn to ignore certain things.